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  • Moth Repellent

    Moth repellant application is an important but often overlooked step in the care and maintenance of your rugs. We offer this service as an add-on to our cleaning packages and would be happy to provide you with a quote today.

    Moths like to lay eggs in a cool, undisturbed area, such as in part of a rug that may be under a piece of furniture and is not vacuumed frequently enough. While the moths themselves do not eat oriental rugs, their larvae actually feed on wool, silk and some other natural materials. A moth infestation can be difficult to spot until it is too late, and repairing an oriental rug damaged by moths can be costly, so prevention is paramount.

    To prevent damage from moths, by far the most important maintenance task that you can do is vacuuming. We recommend you vacuum the entire face of your rug (yes, you’ll need to move your furniture) at least weekly. On a quarterly basis, we suggest you actually flip your rug over to vacuum the back side of the rug, the pad, and the floor beneath the pad.

    The second most important maintenance task you can do to protect your rugs from moths is have them professionally cleaned on a regular basis. As a part of that process, it may be a good idea to also ask your rug cleaning professional to apply a wool safe moth repellent to your rug, which is a service that we offer for a modest additional charge. Moth repellent makes your rug taste sour and uninviting to moths and their larvae, and therefore protects your rug from an infestation. Our moth repellant application uses the finest products available and we offer the application only after we have thoroughly and completely cleaned the rug, not as a standalone service.

    We 100% guarantee you will be satisfied by our moth repellant application service in Jacksonville for a period of 14 days from completion of the application. Please be aware that no moth repellant can guarantee protection from a moth infestation, and we do not warranty it as such.